Once your enterprise architecture program is viewed as Useful, leverage that new confidence in EA as a catalyst into bigger projects that have more visibility throughout the organization and expand the audience that recognizes the value of enterprise architecture.
Increase the perceived value of enterprise architecture to the point where enterprise architects get requested for information because stakeholders recognized the usefulness of enterprise architecture.
Watch the third video in our 4-part series to discover tactics should you use to become a trusted enterprise architecture practice.
Learn how to move your EA program from useful to trusted.
Founded in 1991, MEGA is a global software company and recognized market leader for over ten years. The company partners with customers to improve governance and accelerate transformation by leveraging technology. MEGA helps companies better analyze how they can operate and make the right decisions to accelerate the creation of value. The HOPEX Platform connects business, IT, data and risks perspectives in a single place that integrates across an entire company’s ecosystem. The MEGA Services team partners with customers to deliver projects with a pragmatic approach.